NSW Skilled Migration Program 2024-25: New Opportunities for Skilled Workers

Exciting news for skilled migrants looking to make New South Wales (NSW) their home—the NSW Skilled Migration Program for the 2024-25 program year is now open! With updates aimed at addressing key industry demands and simplifying processes, this year’s program offers a great chance for skilled workers and their families to start a new life in NSW.


NSW’s Priority Sectors

The Skilled Migration Program is designed to address skills shortages in sectors that are critical to the state's economic growth. For the 2024-25 program year, NSW has identified the following sectors as priorities:

  • Construction: Infrastructure and housing development

  • Renewables: Net zero and clean energy initiatives

  • Care Economy: Roles in aged care, disability services, and early childhood education

  • Digital and Cyber: Specialists across various industries

  • Education: Primarily focused on teachers

  • Agriculture and Agrifood

  • Advanced Manufacturing

These sectors reflect areas where NSW needs skilled professionals the most. If your occupation falls within one of these industries, you could be eligible for state nomination.


Updated Skills Lists

NSW has updated its skills lists for the 2024-25 program year, providing clarity on which occupations are eligible for state nomination. These lists are organized by the ANZSCO unit group and are specific to two visa subclasses:

  • Skilled Nominated Visa (subclass 190)

  • Skilled Work Regional Visa (subclass 491)

Regular Invitation Rounds for the Subclass 190 Visa

For those interested in the Skilled Nominated Visa (subclass 190), NSW will be conducting regular invitation rounds throughout the year. To be considered, you’ll need to ensure that your Expression of Interest (EOI) in SkillSelect is up to date. Additionally, it’s crucial that all claims in your EOI are supported by valid evidence to boost your chances of being invited.

Pathways for Subclass 491 Visa Set to Open Soon

Pathways for the Skilled Work Regional Visa (subclass 491) are expected to open shortly, specifically Pathway 1 and Pathway 3. NSW will provide more details on eligibility for these pathways, so it’s recommended to review the specific criteria to make sure you qualify before applying.

Introducing the Regional NSW Graduate Pathway

A new pathway has been launched for recent graduates from certain regional NSW educational institutions. This direct application process allows eligible graduates to apply for state nomination under the subclass 491 visa. This is an exciting opportunity for new graduates to stay in NSW and contribute to its growing economy.

TSMIT Concession for Subclass 491 (Pathway 1)

Applicants in select occupations may be able to take advantage of a 10% concession on the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) under Pathway 1. This could be beneficial if you’re concerned about meeting the income threshold requirements. You can find more information about this concession on the official NSW website.

Changes to EOI Submission

One of the significant changes for this year’s program is the removal of previous restrictions on submitting EOIs in SkillSelect. Now, any valid EOI with NSW selected can be considered during an invitation round, increasing your chances of being invited if your profile matches the state's needs.

Revised Application Fee

For the 2024-25 program year, the application fee has been adjusted in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The new fee is A$315, plus GST if you’re applying from within Australia.

If you are having a hard time planning your pathway to Australia, the best thing to do is ask for assistance from certified migration experts. At Think Visa, we specialize in processing visas in these complex situations. By ensuring that all the essential documents, our team of skilled migration consultants can help you get through the process. Start your migration process with people you could trust.


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